Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings
Completed Completed

Specific area: IMT - Border Management and Security

Duration: March 2010 - May 2010

Experts involved: Belgium, Croatia (did not include ICMPD expert)

Despite the end of civil conflicts and increased political stability Central America still faces key issues in relation to the transit of a significant number of irregular migrants, as well as trafficking in human beings, drugs and arms facilitated by the high porosity of both internal and external borders. As such, the adoption and the implementation of adequate measures to secure the borders, is a major priority for the region.

To contribute to this objective the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA) seeked MIEUX’s support to provide capacity building of the police, migration and customs authorities of the SICA Member States, with a view to strengthening both national and regional border management.

During a regional thematic workshop on integrated border management (IBM), representatives learned more about EU border management standards, good practices and strategies, as well as the concept of IBM and the MIEUX experts also supported the development of  recommendations for practical measures to be implemented in the area of border management in the Central American context.