10 years of MIEUX in West Africa

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Starting today, and throughout 2018, MIEUX will publish a new series of ‘Regional Factsheets’ to present highlights, results and recommendations borne from 10 years of experience in each of the regions where it implements Actions: West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, Asia, the EU Neighbourhood and Latin America and the Caribbean. The first publication of the series is West Africa.

Today, the joint EU- ICMPD Migration EU Expertise (MIEUX) Initiative launches the first in a new series of concise publications about its regional work in Africa, Asia, the EU Neighbourhood and Latin America and the Caribbean, kicking off a year-long reflection and analysis into its achievements after 10 years of promoting cooperation between the EU and partner countries in all areas of migration.  Given the volume of Actions in Africa (52 overall), the MIEUX team decided to split the publications into West Africa and Eastern and Southern Africa. Reflecting on the publication of the MIEUX West Africa Factsheet, Mr. Oleg Chirita, ICMPD Programme Coordinator of Global Initiatives stated,

We are delighted to share with our audiences a new product - the Regional Factsheet - that offers a glimpse into MIEUX’s activities and practices at a regional level. Given its’ demand-driven and multifaceted nature, the MIEUX Initiative has responded to a variety of priorities expressed by the partner countries over the last 10 years by designing a wide range of targeted  Actions, whilst acquiring a level of expertise and know-how that can be very valuable to illustrate practical examples of how cooperation in the area of migration occurs.” 

Download the West Africa Factsheet

MIEUX and West Africa

A priority region for EU-Africa cooperation on migration, West Africa has a long history of population mobility, fostered by multiple factors, ranging from population growth, labour market shortages, conflict, and environmental degradation to economic development.

Since 2009, MIEUX has implemented 27 Actions in West Africa, representing nearly 30% of MIEUX’s portfolio of activities. 14 out of 16 West African States and ECOWAS have sought assistance from this programme since 2009. As Ms Pauline Dunoyer de Segonzac, Project Officer - West Africa stated,

 “This factsheet shows the great engagement of West African countries in enhancing their migration policy framework and at the same time the role MIEUX has been playing in the last ten years in supporting them along this path. West Africa has been anticipating many issues which are debated at the global level right now”.    

The majority of the MIEUX Actions in West Africa have focused on the development of migration policies, legislation, strategies and action plans in different fields of migration, proving that enhanced migration governance is at the top of the political agenda of West African countries.

Some examples include the Migration and Development Strategy in Togo, the Municipal Action Plan for Migrant Integration at the Local Level in Cabo Verde, and the National Migration Policy in Sierra Leone.  In Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo MIEUX assisted in setting up ad-hoc coordinating structures to support the drafting and implementation processes at the national level whilst involving multiple actors.

Download the West Africa Factsheet

 2008 - 2018: 10 years of MIEUX

In December 2008, the EU and ICMPD signed a partnership agreement that would launch the Migration EU Expertise Initiative. Ten years later, close to 130 countries and regional organisations have benefitted from MIEUX’s range of capacity building activities. Throughout 2018, MIEUX will reflect on how it has contributed to strengthening capacities to manage, develop, implement and evaluate migration in partner countries while fostering and advancing cooperation and coordination between multiple partners.

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