Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings
Completed Completed

Specific area: IMT - Trafficking in Human Beings

Duration: July 2013 - May 2017

Experts involved: United Kingdom, NGOs (Belgium, Ireland, Italy), academia (United Kingdom)

Thailand is a destination country for the trafficking of men, women and children. Foreign victims hail mainly from the rest of South-East Asia and are trafficked for the purpose of sexual and labour exploitation.

Wishing to improve service delivery to victims by training its staff in specific areas, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) submitted two requests to MIEUX to train staff at the Division of Anti-Trafficking in Persons (DATIP) and the Department of Social Development and Welfare (DSDW).

Thailand I is the first Action that MIEUX provided to the country and was followed by another one that started in 2017 (Thailand II). During the first Action, MSDHS officials were trained in protection of THB victims and on managing victims of homelessness due to migration. Overall, the two MIEUX Actions strengthened capacities of the personnel working on trafficking and homelessness issues within the MSDHS.