09 February 2022

Factsheets and Infosheets

Between June and October 2021, a series of three workshops took place in the framework of the Costa Rica IV Action (2020-14), implemented by MIEUX+ in collaboration with the Directorate General for Migration and Foreigners (DGME). The events aimed at facilitating the exchange between Costa Rican public officials and officials from administrations of the region and the European Union (EU) and focused on the issue of providing comprehensive protection and assistance to migrant persons during emergency situations. This Knowledge Sheet focuses on governmental responses to migration crises, lessons learned, good practices and challenges.

We invite you all to download or preview the knowledge sheet!

Knowledge Sheets (KS) are a MIEUX+ tool to capture in a succinct way a concrete body of knowledge shared in an Webinar, Knowledge Exchange or similar event. The KS also links the knowledge shared in these discussions with further readings or material that can be useful to deepen in the topic at hand.


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