MIEUX team

Naïké Chancy
Project Officer – MIEUX+ Eastern and Southern Africa Focal Point

Naïké joined the team in May 2018 as an Associate Project Officer supporting the implementation of MIEUX Actions in West and Central Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean. She is currently the Project Officer in charge of the portfolio in Eastern and Southern Africa and coordinates the reporting process.

A national of Haiti and Italy, she has an educational background in International Development, Human Rights and Conflict Management. She cemented her interest in migration and international development while working in post-earthquake Haiti and in Malaysia. Before MIEUX, she was involved with IOM (anti-trafficking of minors), UNFPA (youth sexual and reproductive health), UNHCR (statelessness) and UNOPS (gender and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration).

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and Créole

Topics of interest: Migration and Climate Change, Diaspora Affairs and Reproductive Health

Email policy: [firstname].[lastname]@icmpd.org